Constitution Gardens, Phase 2



Constitution Gardens is centrally located on the National Mall along Constitution Avenue, NW between the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and World War II Memorial and adjacent to the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. The gardens are located in part of the most highly trafficked area of the National Mall. Dedicated in 1976, as part of the American Bicentennial, the park includes a memorial known as the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence Memorial on an island in the middle of an artificial lake. The memorial features stones bearing the names and signatures of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence. The 50 acres of park was historically a tidal mudflat on the banks of the Potomac River and was once the site of United States military buildings until their demolition following World War II.

Today the park is a quiet, unassuming space amidst the backdrop of the iconic monuments and memorials. While the gardens may seem peaceful, looks can be deceiving. The existing Constitution Gardens, built in haste in1976, is underutilized by visitors, environmentally problematic, unsustainable, and costly to maintain. The environmentally unsustainable design was built in haste and on a foundation of construction fill — compromising the long-term health and viability of the trees and plantings as well as the man-made lake. Today, the lake, too shallow to be functional or ecologically friendly, is plagued by unsightly algal blooms, a dying and unsustainable fish habitat, and requires costly, labor-intensive maintenance throughout the year. The trees, which should have formed a lush mature forest over nearly 50 years, have failed to thrive, are in critical health, and many have died due to poor soil conditions.

Creating a New constitution gardens

A Model Urban Park to Honor History and the Aspirations of the Constitution

The Trust for the National Mall and the National Park Service have embarked on ambitious plans to restore Constitution Gardens inspired by the 250th anniversary of American independence coming in 2026. Constitution Gardens is about to gain its rightful prominence on the National Mall as a vibrant, engaging space that welcomes visitors to gather and learn, a place that properly honors the founding of our nation, and an ecologically sound urban park for the next generation.

This historic project will include the creation of 36 acres of verdant gardens, the restoration of the memorial to the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, a vibrant and ecologically thriving central lake and a model of excellence for urban parks with space for relaxation, recreation, gathering, performing, and learning for all.


  • A deeper and ecologically responsible lake that will be sustainable and create a viable habitat for wildlife, in tandem with new public recreation opportunities like fishing and model boating. And a comprehensive water resource management system to manage, capture and reuse stormwater runoff throughout.

  • Multiple layers of herbaceous aquatic vegetation will be planted around the new lake to provide nutrient uptake and establish a beneficial lake ecology, along with soil remediation and regrading to ensure plants, trees and wildlife can thrive.

  • Groves of native shade and ornamental trees, shrubs and perennials will create a welcoming and thriving ecology and an oasis for visitors.


  • New event plaza and gathering spaces will be established with proper lighting to encourage visitors, welcome events and school groups, and ensure proper circulation and safety — serving as a respite, a welcoming place to gather, and an open-air classroom with endless possibility.

  • Specific sites for civics and history-focused learning with storytelling signage.

  • Sites with opportunities for ecological and environmental programming and educational opportunities.

  • A restored memorial to the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence that properly honors their bravery and sacrifice.

  • Interpretive and storytelling signage to honor the founding of our nation at the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence Memorial with ways to learn more through our online classroom.

To learn more about the restoration of Constitution Gardens or to support our work, contact us.

The Future of Constitution Gardens


Recognizing the historic context of the site, the restoration will provide space for exciting educational opportunities for students and families. Visitors will be able to reflect on the founding of our nation, relax, play and learn while enjoying breathtaking views of the surrounding monuments and memorials.

The Trust for the National Mall is grateful to the supporters who helped relocate and restore The Lockkeeper’s House — located at the eastern edge of Constitution Gardens at the corner of 17th St. and Constitution Ave., NW. The restoration of the Lockkeeper’s House helped create a new visitor destination at the approach to Constitution Gardens which now serves as the gateway to welcome visitors on the National Mall.

Lockkeeper’s House Restoration was Generously Funded by:

Albert and Ethel Herztein Charitable Foundation

S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation

The A. James and Alice B. Clark Foundation

Diana Davis Spencer Foundation

Dr. Scholl Foundation

GEICO Corporation

The Honorable C. Boyden Gray

Lanny and Susan Griffith

National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution

Philip L. Graham Fund

Pepco Holdings, Inc.

The Honorable Francis and Kathleen Rooney

Support this Project

Join us in building a new Constitution Gardens, making it a model of environmental sustainability, a space to celebrate history, educate and welcome all who visit.